Share Your Self-Care: Easy, Fun Activities to do with Your Toddler


Self-care is critical, but it’s also something we often neglect.  It’s so easy to start the day with the intention to take time for yourself, but then the day actually happens, and before you know it, it’s 8PM and the only thing you have energy for is sitting on your couch. 

I’ve found that the only way I actually incorporate self-care into my daily routine is to do something Rae can enjoy with me.  That way, I’m having fun with her and taking care of myself at the same time. 

Here are 9 self-care activities both you and your toddler will love:

1. Color -Remember when the mindful coloring trend started a few years ago? Well, dig out those old coloring books and start using them again!

Coloring is incredibly relaxing, and it’s very easy to get lost in.  Your little one can easily color with you, whether you want to share your coloring book, buy them their own, or print a few free coloring pages offline.

I really love this Disney site because you or your toddler can color on paper or virtually.  If your toddler is too young for regular crayons or markers, these Crayola eggs from Crayola are pretty fantastic for chubby, adorable hands.

Rae getting ready to use her new crayons. She mostly throws them at me right now, but we’re working on it!

2. Dance -Fantastic way to burn calories and have fun at the same time.  Toddlers love music, and dancing with them is so much fun!

Watching their little faces as they twirl and giggle will bring you so much joy, and you can be silly and dance as crazily as you want because they certainly won’t judge you. 

Rae and I especially love all of the Sesame Street parodies of famous songs, so I would highly recommend checking those out.  Here’s her favorite, Feist’s “1, 2, 3, 4.”

3. Exercise -I don’t know about you, but this is one self-care activity I push off way too often.  I don’t particularly enjoy working out, but one way to make it more fun is to include your toddler. 

There are so many great Mom & Me workouts on YouTube (here’s one we love from Nancy Taylor).  Working out is far more fun when your toddler is laughing hysterically in your arms.

As they get older, they can join a workout with you.  Rae is currently very into yoga, and she loves any excuse to do a downward dog.  Yoga with Adriene is a particularly fun channel, and Rae loves anytime Benji comes on screen.

4. Get Out In Nature -There is nothing better than spending time outdoors, with the exception of spending time outdoors with your child. 

They are so great at helping you stay in the moment, and they notice and enjoy every sight, sound, and smell they come across.  They literally stop and smell the roses, they caw with the birds, they get so excited when cars go by -and that enthusiasm is contagious. 

Going for a walk at their speed and taking the time to revel in the beauty around you and their joy is so healing.

5. Treat Yourself -Want an ice cream? Or a hot, soft pretzel? Or a mani pedi? Go for it! And bring your toddler, because they’ll enjoy it just as much as you do, and it’s more fun to share your treat with them to enjoy it by yourself anyway.

6. Learn Something New Together -This one is more for older toddlers, but trying a new activity together is such a great way to do some self-care.  Maybe you’ve never made playdough before, or fingerpainted through freezer bags, or played with slime, and neither has your toddler. 

Experiencing the fun together for the first time will make it even more memorable.

7. Connect with a Loved One –What’s better than a FaceTime call with your best friend or a beloved family member? A call with that wonderful person and your favorite person in the world at the same time! Bring your little nugget in on your next call with you. 

Watching Rae take over my FaceTime calls has been hysterical.  She insists on holding the phone, will not give it back to me, and cracks up the entire time.  Watching her brings me, my friends, and my family so much joy and makes the call an even better experience. 

8. Make the Most of Naptime -And by that, I absolutely do not mean cramming in as many chores as humanly possible. 

On the weekends, I don’t let Rae nap in her crib.  She and I curl up on our coziest couch, I put on one of her favorite Disney movies, and she drifts off in my arms listening to her favorite songs.  Then, while she sleeps, I catch up on my reading, or watch a movie while I crochet or draw on my iPad with AutoDesk Sketchbook. 

Taking this time to rest my mind and body rather than rushing through it helps me be more centered and ready to make the rest of the day fun and energetic for my best little buddy.

9. Spend Quality Time with Your Pet –Often, our pets don’t get nearly as much attention as they used to after we have babies.

Making a conscious effort to snuggle and play with them will help both of you take better care of yourselves. And helping your child build a meaningful connection with your pet is so rewarding.

You’ll love watching them play together and become true friends. Rosie and Rae are best friends, and watching their love for each other grow is heart-melting.

Rosie and Rae spending quality time together in the playroom

There are a million different ways to bring your toddler into your self-care.  No matter what you choose to do, their unconditional love and contagious joy will only make it better.

What do you like to do for self-care? Share your ideas in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!